Project : L & D - Justice Academy
Sector : Central Government
Consultant : Nigel Smith
The Learning and Development Project was part of the overall HR Transformation Programme. It was established to modernise the learning processes in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and develop an effective technology base for learning that can maximise the effectiveness of the provision, as well as improving the responsiveness, accessibility, evaluation and impact of the learning interventions. This project covered all areas of the MoJ - Approx 82,000 staff.
Having agreed the objectives for the L&D Project, a period of research of the L&D market place and analysis was undertaken of major providers of e-learning solutions.
The project was broken down into three elements:
a. A Learning Management System (LMS);
b. Hosting of an internet (cloud) based solution; and
c. Development of e-learning modules.
The proposal was to develop a Moodle site as an LMS, and to host the site on an external server, which was the recommendation from the internal specialist IT Department, who were engaged throughout the process. External hosting is a very secure hosting option and is used by many large organisations. In addition to the robust security aspects, there are no licence fees for Moodle, only maintenance costs, which makes this a cost effective option. The development of a number of e-learning modules were also commissioned, to be launched with the Learning Management System
The JusticeAcademy was launched across the MoJ providing a Self-Driven Learning environment for all staff 24 Hours a day. It was launched with a variety of learning resources and programmes including ‘learning nudges’, ‘Know Hows’ and ‘Insight Guides’. It was also launched with new Information Assurance and Induction e-learning modules. The JusticeAcademy continues to provide a central point for learning in the MoJ, it was developed to provide ‘Faculties’ for each individual MoJ Department, an on-line booking system and a number of Blended Learning Programmes.
Project : Core Leadership and Behaviours (Part of Scale of Ambition Programme)
Sector : Central Government
Consultant : Nigel Smith
To develop 'New' Core and Leadership Behaviours for the Global Organisation to 'inspire' staff and prepare them for the Global Challenges and the 'Scale of Ambition'.
Worked closely with the Senior Leadership Team and Key Stakeholders to understand the Global Challenges and the 'Scale of Ambition'of the British Council.Proposals for 'New and Simple' Behaviours model were developed. These new behaviours went through a global review to ensure that they were appropriate for all cultures.
A 'New' Core and Leadership Behaviours was developed and the 'Behaviours to Open the World's Doors', to assist with the British Council achieving it's Scale of Ambition was published and rolled out Globally.